The ORIGINAL Gummy Berry Juice
An absolute MUST HAVE on the 28 Day Eating Plan!!!!
Regulates Sugar Absorption, Suppress Appetite, Increase Energy Levels, Promotes Brain Health & Focus, Antioxidant, Destroy Cravings, Stabilize Blood Sugar, Reduce Cortisol Levels, Support Stress Response
Support Thyroid Function, Stimulate conversion of Fat to Energy, Provide Insane Sustained Energy All Day
Our XS vesion has added L-Carnitine Benefits: Health Benefits, Weight Loss, Brain Function, Metabolic Function, Sports Performance.
One 250ml bottle usually lasts 2 weeks, so you will need two bottles for 1 month's stock.
Content: D-Pantothenol, White Kidney Bean, Calcium, Mulberry extract, calcium, natural caffeine, Magnesium, Cellulose, Glucose, Thiamine, Sennosides (A & B), Vitamin B2, B3, Iodine en Vit B6, L-Carnitine (28 Day Eating Plan friendly!)
Please note that the ONLY variant available is BERRY BLAST.
Reguleer suiker absorpsie, onderdruk eetlus, verhoog energievlakke, help met breingesondheid en om te fokus, anti-oksidant, onderdruk 'cravings', stabiliseer bloedsuikervlakke, verlaag kortisolvlakke, ondersteun stresreaksies, ondersteun skildklier, stimuleer omleiding van vet na energie toe, gee baie hoë energievlakke vir die hele dag. Beskikbaar in normale of ekstra sterkte.
Gummy Berry Juice FAQ's:
Hoe lank hou dit?
Een bottel hou ongeveer 2 weke. Jy het dus aanvanklik 2 bottels per maand nodig. As jy jou doelgewig bereik het, gebruik jy minder om te 'maintain'.
Moet ek gewoon of ekstra sterk neem?
As jy minder as 5kg het om te verloor, gebruik gewoon. Meer as 5kg of hardnekkige vetjie het of baie erg oorgewig is, beveel ek ekstra sterkte aan.
Wat se geure is daar?
Dit kom in 'Berry' en in 'Citrus Buzz' - dit gaan maar oor persoonlike smaak. Persoonlik glo ek in die Berry!
Wat is die kelpvrye opsie?
Dit is slegs vir mense wat allergies is. Kelp is waarvan iodine gemaak word, so as jy allergies is vir kelp/iodien dan is daar 'n opsie om dit te bestel sonder die kelp,
Hoe moet ek dit drink?
Jy drink 10ml in die oggend. En 10ml in die middag. Jou middagdosis moet jy voor 3 uur neem, anders gaan jy nie aan die slaap kan raak in die aand nie!
As dit die heel eerste keer is wat jy Gummy Berry Juice gebruik, moet dit soos volg geneem word:
Dag 1: 5ml in die oggend NA ontbyt, 5ml in die middag NA middagete
Dag 2: 10ml in die oggend NA ontbyt, 5 ml in die middag NA middagete
Dag 3+: 10ml in die oggend, 10ml in die middag
Indien jy wegspring met ekstra sterk GBJ en nie eers die normale sterkte gebruik nie, en jy het nog nooit voorheen 'n dieetproduk gebruik nie, moet die produk asb soos volg gebruik word:
Dag 1 en Dag 2: 5ml in die oggend, 5ml in die middag
Dag 3 en Dag 4: 10ml in die oggend, 5 ml in die middag
Vanaf Dag 5+: 10ml in die oggend, 10ml in die middag
Is daar newe-effekte
Enige produk waaraan jou liggaam nie gewoond is nie, kan vir jou newe-effekte gee, al is dit van natuurlike bestandele. Die 'white kidney bean' en natuurlike kaffeïne in die GBJ kan jou aan die begin effens bewerig laat voel, of jou hart vinniger laat klop. Maak jy seker jy drink dit slegs NA jy geëet het en dat jy BAIE water drink. Binne 3 tot 5 dae sal alle newe-effekte verdwyn
Is daar mense wat dit nie mag gebruik nie?
Ja, as jy swanger is, borsvoed of hartkwale het moet jy dit asseblief nie gebruik nie. Dit is egter veilig vir diabete, asmalyers en mense met hoë of lae bloeddruk. Dit is altyd 'n goeie idee om enige supplement wat jy gebruik met jou dokter of klinieksuster te bespreek.
Hoe / Waar bestel ek?
Dis vinnig en maklik. Kliek net op die skakel: BESTEL GUMMY BERRY JUICE
One of the ingredients in this product is kelp which contains iodine.
In this case the kelp can be removed from your bottle and the product will then be safe to use.
Take 5ml in the morning AFER breakfast and 5ml in the afternoon AFTER lunch and before 3pm for TWO consecutive days.
For the next 2 days, take 10ml in the morning AFTER breakfast and 5ml in the afternoon AFTER lunch and before 3pm.
From Day 5, take 10ml in the morning AFTER breakfast and 10ml in the afternoon AFTER lunch and before 3pm.
Your are pregnant
You are breastfeeding
You have heart conditions
​Natural Fat Burner
Enhances Blood Flow, Boosts Energy, Helps with bloating, Improves Overall Health, Helps Fight Off Invading Bacteria & Viruses, Increases Blood Flow to Muscle Cells, Targets Stubborn Fat, Immune Booster, Removes Toxins
Celery, turmeric, fenugreek, ginger, cumin, cardamom, moringa, aloe & black pepper (28 Day Eating Plan friendly!)
(You can take up to 3 capsules per day so one bottle will last a minimum of one month but can last for up to three months depending on individual usage.)
Help met opgeblaasheid en om van toksiene in jou liggaam ontslae te raak. Help ook met hardlywigheid en kolon ondersteuning.
Immune Boost
Formulated to provide an immune boosting, strengthening and modulating function. It builds up your immune system, shields you from bacterial and viral infections and alters the state of your immune defence system to protect against disease and illness. Prevents and treats colds and flu.
It includes Vitamin C, Echinacea, Garlic extract, Vitamin D3 and Zinc.
30 capsules. (One month's stock)
Help met moegheid en bou immuniteit.
Do you have to drink water but you just can't stomach it? Then this product is for you! Not only is it refreshing but it is also high in anti-oxidants, vitamins and minerals!
Vitamins: B12, A, B6, C, D, E, Thiamine, Riboflavin, Folate, Biotin (28 Day Eating Plan friendly!)
Moet jy water drink maar jy kan dit nie in jou lyf kry nie? Hierdie produk is dan vir jou! Dis nie net verfrissend nie maar is ook hoog in anti-oksidante, vitamiene en minerale. Dit help ook vir hoofpyn.
Slender Collagen
Gelatine is allowed on the 28 Day Eating Plan. Instead of gelatine, you can use the Slenderl Collagen for those hunger pangs in-between meals! The collagen also helps with collagen production for healthier hair, nails and bones. Collagen aids in digestion by breaking down proteins and soothing the lining of the gut. It “seals and heals” the protective lining of the gastrointestinal tract by helping to form connective tissue and infusing the whole system with healing amino acids. It has been shown to have soothing properties that help promote an overall healthier, less agitated digestive system
Pure collagen. (28 Day Eating Plan friendly!)
Help met kollageenproduksie vir gesonder hare, naels en bene. Gebruik dit in die plek van gelatien vir daardie hongerpyne tussenin etes! Beskikbaar in ongegeur en Berry.
Sleep Aid Melatonin
Melatonin plays a critical role in regulating our biological clock. It is normally produced in a part of the brain called the pineal gland and is released during the period of darkness from sundown to sunrise. Melatonin is frequently taken to alleviate difficulty falling or staying asleep, characteristic symptoms of insomnia and there is a strong body of evidence supporting its use as a sleep aid in several populations including children and the elderly.
Pure melatonin (28 Day Eating Plan friendly!)
Help om die kwaliteit van slaap te verbeter en vir insomnia.
Platinum Fat Blaster
A revolusionary product with amazing results! Are you stuck on an eating plan and not losing weight anymore? Do you lose weight too slowly? Then this is just the product for you!! A series of natural ingredients to supercharge any weight loss program by supporting a healthy colon and digestive system. This product introduces cutting edge ingredients to give you longer lasting fat-burning results.
DIM+, cocoa, naringin, hordenine, moringa, turmeric, fennel, black pepper, ginger, black cumin, aloe. (28 Day Eating Plan friendly!)
'n Revolusionêre produk met verstommende resultate!
Haak jy 'vas' op die eetplan?
Verloor jy te stadig of te min gewig?
Het jy 'n 'super charge' nodig op die plan?
Dan is hierdie DIE produk vir jou!!
By modulating estrogen and estrogen metabolism, DIM+ may help women with various hormonal difficulties. Because it helps move estrogen down the pathway that produces more favorable estrogen metabolites, DIM+ may be useful for women struggling with estrogen dominance, PMS, period problems, perimenopause, and menopause and subsequent weight gain due to hormonal imbalance.
Diindolylmethane commonly found in cabbage, brussels sprouts and broccoli. Prunella Vulgaris, Dandelion root and magnesium. (28 Day Eating Plan friendly!)
'n Kragtige produk wat help om die liggaam te ontgiftig en wat wetenskaplik bewys is dat dit help met gewigsverlies. Dit help veral vir vrouens in menopause asook vrouens met hormoon of vrouens met skildklierprobleme en mense wat sukkel om gewig te verloor vir onbekende redes.
'Diindolylmethane' (DIM) is 'n ekstensiewe verteringsproduk wat natuurlik voorkom in kool, broccoli en Brusselse spruite., Prunella Vugaris (mediese krui wat aan die mint familie behoort). Help teen viruses, infeksies asook die beheer van simptome van siektes soos diabetes en kanker. Dandelion (paardebloem) (help met vertering, lewer detoks asook gesonde ingewande ('gut health')
Detox Drops
We all know the first 5 'detox' days on the 28 Day Eating Plan are the WORST. Use the Detox Drops to detoxify the liver and protect cell damage as well as enabling healthy fat burning that is critical to weight loss. It lowers blood cholesterol levels, decreases fluid retention and it cleans your lymphatic system. It also aids with elimination of inflammatory substances and fights cellulite. It assists with metabolism acceleration and thus helps the body to burn fat faster. A lymph cleanse aids in digestion, insomnia, respiratory disorders, asthma, bronchitis, common cold, lactation, immune booster, enhance memory, helps with heartburn, delirium, gout, promotes heart-health, keep blood pressure levels normalized, balances the body of LDL cholesterol.
Agathosma, Buchu, Echinacea, Galium Aparine, Pokeroot, Calendula, A proprietary blend of Herbs. (28 Day Eating Plan friendly!)
Help om gifstowwe uit die lewer te verwyder. Verlaag inflammasie in die liggaam, help met gewigverlies, verbeter jou vel en gee jou energie.
Cellulite reduction Pamper Package
Three luxurious products: Cellulite scrub, Cellulite bath soak en Cellulite & Detox massage oil.
Salt, Glycerine, Shea Butter (Butyrospermum Parkii), Coconut Oil (Cocos Nucifera), Rooibos, Grapefruit oil (Citrus Paradiso), Cypress(Cupressus Sempervirens), Rose Geranium (Pelargonium Roseum Asperum), Rosemary (Rosmarinus
Bath soak:
Epsom Salt, Bicarb of Soda, Corn-starch, Almond Oil (Prunus Dulcis), Polysorbate 20, Grapefruit oil(Citrus Paradiso), Cypress (Cupressus Sempervirens), Rose Geranium (Pelargonium Roseum Asperum), Rosemary (Rosmarinus Officinalis).
Massage oil:
Carrier Oils: Grapeseed, Sunflower, Avocado, Wheatgerm & Vitamin E Acetate. Essential Oils: Grapefruit, Cypress, Rosemary, Geranium.
Bevat 3 luukse produkte: Cellulite scrub, Cellulite bath soak en Cellulite & Detox massage oil.
Laat jou selluliet soos mis voor die son verdwyn - veral na gewigverlies
Aqua Lean
Crush appetite, Destroy Cravings, Stabilise blood sugar levels, Support adrenal stress response, Support thyroid function, Stimulate conversion of fat to energy, Provide sustained energy all day, Help with concentration.
Citrus Aurantiumm Synephrine, Caffeine, Green Tea, Catechins, Hoodia extract, Forskolin, Cinamon, Bladderwrack 10:1
Drink at least 2 liters of water per day while using the product. Do not exceed more than 1 capsule per day. Do not use if you have HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE or if you are on ANTI-DEPRESSANTS Not for persons under 18. Don't use if pregnant or nursing. DO NOT USE IF YOU ARE USING BLOOD THINNERS.
(28 Day Eating Plan friendly!)
'n Ongelooflike sterk eetlusdemper wat jou eetlus heeltemal onderdruk en jou cravings laat verdwyn. Dit stabiliseer ook bloedsuikervlakke, ondersteun skildklierfunksie, gee jou energie die hele dag lank en help jou om te konsentreer. Dis 'n BAIE potente produk wat met omsigtigheid gebruik moet word maar wat verstommende resultate lewer.
Citrus Aurantiumm Synephrine, Caffein, Green Tea, Catechins, Hoodia extract, Forskolin, Kaneel, Bladderwrack 10:1
Hierdie is 'n baie potente produk. Jy MOET ten minste 2 liter vloeistof drink as jy die produk gebruik en dis nie vir persone onder 18 jaar nie. Ook nie as jy borsvoed, swanger is, hartprobleme het of op antidepressante is nie. Kan NIE saam met bloedverdunners bv. Warfarin gebruik word nie!
S30 Extreme Fat Burner
The EXTREME fat killer!!
– Reduces food cravings
– Suppresses appetite
– Burns fat
– Detoxifies the body
– Boosts energy levels
– Increases metabolism
– Improves focus
– Uplifts mood
Some clients may experience detoxification symptoms as the body expels toxins. This is perfectly normal, however you may decrease the dosage until the symptoms subside. Symptoms may take a few days to ease.
Slight headache
Insomnia (first few days)
Dry mouth (but it will cause you to drink more water…)
Green Tea Extract 20.1 – 50mg per serving
Hoodia Extract 20.1 – 50mg per serving
Coleus Forskholii 60% – 100mg per serving
Ginger Extract 5% 10:1- 50mg per serving
Citrus Aurantium Extract 20:1- 50mg per serving
Natural Caffeine- 80mg per serving
Coleus- 50mg per serving
TeaCrine- 35mg per serving
L-Theanine- 75mg per serving
WARNING: Drink at least 2 to 3 litres of water per day while using the product. Do not exceed more than 1 capsule per day. Do not use if you have HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE or if you are on ANTI-DEPRESSANTS Not for persons under 18. Don't use if pregnant or nursing. DO NOT USE IF YOU ARE USING BLOOD THINNERS or if you have HEART PROBLEMS.
You use the above products in conjunction with the 28 Day Eating Plan at your own risk.
NO advice offered on this website or on the group can be substituted for proper medical advice. Always consult with your medical practitioner first.
Slender Living products may not be used by the following persons:
People suffering from high blood pressure and heart problems.
Pregnant or breastfeeding women.
People who use chronic or prescription drugs must get their doctor's permission before they can use the products.
Jy gebruik die bogenoemde produkte saam met die 28 Dae Eetplan op eie risiko.
GEEN advies op hierdie webwerf of die groep kan die plek inneem van mediese advies nie. Konsulteer altyd met jou dokter eerste.
Slender Living produkte mag nie deur die volgende persone gebruik word nie:
Hoë bloeddruk lyers en mense met hartprobleme.
Swanger en/of borsvoedende vroue
Mense wat chroniese of voorskrifmedikasie gebruik moet eers hulle dokters se toestemming hê voordat hulle enige van die produkte mag gebruik.