When you lose a baby, you feel shocked, numb and in disbelief as to what has happened and totally overwhelmed by how much you have to deal with. No one will ever fully understand what you go through as an individual, but as a baby loss professional and bereaved mother, the author has a very good understanding as to how you will be feeling, and more importantly, how to cope, than most people. Losing a baby is against the natural order of things. It's overwhelming, frightening, exhausting and infinitely sad. Nothing anyone says can change that, but there are things you can do to feel a bit more prepared. The information in this book will help you think about the unthinkable to enable you to have more control of a very traumatic situation and it will empower and inform you about difficult subjects surrounding pregnancy and infant loss that you never thought you would have to think about.
If you are a family member or friend of someone who has suffered pregnancy or infant loss, this book is for you too! It is filled with guidelines and advice and the best ways to deal with this incredible heartache. For care providers there are recommendations on best practice in hospitals and support to patients and what types of actions to avoid during this devastating experience. Baby loss proffessionals and care providers will gain new insights on how to best support bereaved parents and how to empower them during a very dark and difficult time in their lives.